Orji Uzor Kalu And The Perversity Of A Political Mischief Maker – Michael Chijioke



Right from his days as governor of Abia State, Orji Uzor Kalu has always been in the media for the wrong reasons. Sadly for the man, twenty years since assuming office in his ill-fated two-term tenure at the helm of affairs in the State, he has become even more prominent in the media for pettiness, mischief, infantile rumours, half truths and outright falsehood, all peddled with malice, infantilism and his desperate intent to satisfy political actors elsewhere even if that meant he had to denigrate Abia State and relentlessly attack her leaders for dismantling his political dynasty with which he wanted to perpetually enslave Abians despite his tenure as governor being adjudged by the people as the worst tenure ever where diabolism, fetish practices, ‘mamacracy’, alleged killings, corruption etc, were elevated to statecraft level.

In fact, during a television interview that went viral recently, Orji Uzor Kalu, in his usual impudence, garrulousness, and to the utter shock of the world, while trying to rationalize the crises that trailed the APC crises during their congresses last year, gleefully reeled out how “we used to kill people”. It is therefore not a surprise that during his time as governor of Abia State, political killings became the order of the day with many missing and unaccounted for till date.

Kalu is one man that has caused many of those who served as commissioners under him in those days so much pains and regrets even up till today for being forced to pledge their loyalty to him by entering into an evil covenant with the ex-governor at the notorious Okija shrine. He remains that insecure.

One of them once narrated how, shortly after their inauguration, a Coaster bus was provided without their prior knowledge or any information to them, and were asked to board the vehicle. In obedience to their governor they all did, thinking the journey was a noble one and probably to attend an urgent state function which the governor for his own personal reasons might have decided not to disclose to them only for them to be driven long hours from Abia State to the once dreaded shrine.

On getting to the place, the former commissioner said it became too late for some of them who did not believe in such voodoo practice to ask themselves to be excused from the looming disaster or even run away as they were deep into the forest which they also arrived very late into the night. More so, attempting to excuse oneself or run away at that particular point in time could spell doom for such a person as the ex-governor later confessed that “we used to kill people”. The former commissioners had no choice but to allow themselves to be sheepishly shipped into the dark world of principalities and demonic covens if they must remain alive. They were hurled into the darkest chambers of evil by their own governor who should have been a guiding light to them. Thankfully, the commissioners have since renounced that covenant and got their peace with their Creator restored.

Orji Uzor Kalu’s unstable mind and political inconsistencies have made him the most defected political stakeholder in the history of Abia State. A man whose only political philosophy and ideology is to seek refuge where his mess of the past and alleged humongous financial corruption that practically crippled Abia State even up to the tenth generation, would be covered, is not a man to be trusted even by his current APC and the presidency he is pretending to be doing everything possible to impress.

He left the PDP more than once and returned to it every time he felt his usual selfish interests were no longer going to be served. He did the same to the PPA which himself formed in 2006 and funded heavily but was eventually removed by the party’s hierarchy for his usual highhandedness.

Orji Uzor Kalu, as the first governor of Abia State in the current 4th Republic, no doubt, laid a very miry and faulty foundation in the State for which successive governments have battled to overcome and reposition the State on the road to progress and prosperity.

His corruption case of N7.65bn which the EFCC has almost succeeded in prosecuting diligently reached the stage where the courts were to deliver judgement but shortly before this time, sensing that he would be found guilty and sent to jail, Kalu bought time for himself by fleeing to Germany for what he claimed to be a medical trip. The truth is that, no matter how long it takes, Kalu will still have to answer for his suspected mindless pillaging of Abia commonwealth. As at the time he was governor of the State, that sum of N7.65bn was more than the State’s monthly FAAC allocation for 6 months. It is not only wicked but also evil for one man to reportedly defraud a State of such a humongous amount and appropriate it to himself. No matter how long it takes, the people of Abia State will eventually get justice.

In his usual loquaciousness and desperation to spite the people of Abia, Orji Uzor Kalu, against popular and rational opinion, recently revealed how he created the controversial Ruga settlement in Abia State. His utterances show that this is a man who is everything that is anti-Abia, anti-Igbo, and, indeed, anti-nation; a man who is ready to sell his people for pittance in order to get them despised just to further advance his own chequered political history and interests. Unfortunately for him, even those he is trying so hard to impress now know him more than a lot of others and are only using him just like tissue paper which they would eventually discard with much disgrace and odium at the appropriate time. Those people are too wise not to know that a man who has been as inconsistent as Orji Uzor Kalu cannot be trusted for too long. A betrayer will always be a betrayer whether at home or abroad! At the appropriate time, they will consign him into the sewage of ignominy and opprobrium where he rightly belongs. No sensible person can keep a man like him with himself for too long. He is only good to be used and dumped. At the appropriate time, his political perversity and mischievousness would come to a certain end!

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