Sanctuary Christian Ministries SCM – End of May And Beginning of June 2024; Day2/5 – Days Prayer Program

Sanctuary Christian Ministries SCM- End of May & Beginning of June 2024; Day2/ 5-Days Prayer Program

Sanctuary Christian Ministries SCM- End of May & Beginning of June 2024; Day2/ 5-Days Prayer ProgramKeep the Fire in Your Altar Burning. The Fire Must Not Go Out. Leviticus 6:12-13

Greetings to us all from the Throne of His Grace- Yeshua LORD.
The Year is moving pretty fast and as we get to the End of May, to enter the Month of June 2024, I pray that the Fire of Your Altars of Faith in Yeshua HaMashiach does not go down, in Yeshua’s Name Amen.

Walking with God Elohim by Faith, requires you and I to constantly be at the place of prayer *1Thess5:16* for by your persistent knocking at the Door of Heaven, your petitions and prayers, the LORD God Elohim, will surely hear you, come down for you and answer your prayers *Luke18:1-8* He will not ignore you in Jesus Christ Name Amen.

As we continuously be at the place of prayers, the Fire of our Faith Altars are charged by the Presence of the Holy Spirit and every yoke and negativity are broken, every mountain of problems melted, for that FIRE  is the Presence of Jehovah God Elohim Himself. Amen

Bible Blessings
Leviticus6:1-13, Psalm97:5, Micah1:7, Deut9:1-3, Deut4:23-24, Deut20:3-4, Hebrws12:26-29 and Genesis13:14-18

Prayer Points
1. Thank You O Loving Father, for the gift of life, the Blessing of a new Day and for the gracing of making it to this End of the month of May 2024, we thank You LORD God in Jesus Christ Name Amen

2. As we come closer to You LORD, in Fasting, Meditation, and Prayers, we are sorry for our sins, our short comings and our poor actions in life, and we ask O LORD God, for forgiveness and the grace not to sin against you nor our fellow human beings in Yeshua’s Name Amen. Grant us the strength to overcome sin and to live in right standing before You and all People in Jesus Christ Name Amen.

3. O LORD MyGod Elohim, charge us up by the Fire of Your Holy Spirit and strengthen us to fast and pray through, increase our Faith in You, in Your Word and continually surround us by Your Wall of Fire as in *Zach2:5* in Yeshua’s Name Amen

4. We lift up the Sanctuary Christian Ministries SCM, before Your Throne of Mercy O LORD, and we commit all our battles into Your Hand LORD, fight our secret battles in Yeshua’s Name Amen. Expose every unfriendly friend and put them to shame LORD in Yeshua’s Name Amen. Any power, principalities, wickedness or kingdom raising arrows against the Sanctuary Christian Ministries SCM, against us, our families, our children, our businesses and the works of our hands- be scattered by Fire of the Holy Ghost in Yeshua’s Name Amen. O LORD MyGod Elohim destroy their plans and powers by Your hailstones of Fire, by Your thunders of Fire in Yeshua’s Mighty Name for indeed, they shall come in one direction but must scatter in seven *Deut28:7* in Jesus Christ Name Amen

5. MyFather, MyFather, O My Loving Father arise, contend and destroy those who are contending with Your plans in our lives, and return their plans back to them in Yeshua’s Name Amen.

6. We pray for Global peace LORD, let there be peace in Africa, in United Kingdom, in Israel, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine and in all places of conflicts, I decree Your Peace Presence LORD, in Jesus Christ Name Amen

7. *Make Your Personal Prayer* the LORD God Elohim hears you, answers you as you pray in Yeshua’s Mighty Name Amen

8. O LORD MyGod Elohim, thank You for the pregnancies of new visions, new hopes, new babies, new growth and new assignments- O LORD MyGod guide us all to carry these pregnancies to terms and be safely delivered of them, to bring glories to Your Holy Name, Great Success and Blessings upon us all in Jesus Christ Name Amen

9. O Loving Father, we come by the Blood, the Body, the Soul, the Divinity and the Water gushing out of the pierced Body of Jesus Christ *John19:34* and I decree, any altar, any ritual, any satanic sacrifices or kingdoms that has risen against us, our Children, our Families, Businesses, Ministries and Our Works let them catch 🔥 🔥 🔥 right now and be destroyed in Yeshua’s Name Amen. I neutralise their powers by Blood of Jesus, in Jesus Christ Name Amen

10. Now O LORD God, we speak to the Month of June 2024, Commanding You- Month of June 2024, in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, you shall bring increased Favour, Abundance, Goodness, Peace, Prosperity, Progress, Victory and Good Success into our lives in Yeshua’s Name Amen. From this Day, May28th to June 30th, to the remaining Months of Year 2024 and the remaining Years of Our Lives, be redeemed for us all, by the Blood of Jesus in Jesus Christ Name Amen. The Blood of Yeshua HaMashiach, shall arise and answer for us wherever our names are mentioned, and we overcome by the Blood of Jesus in Jesus Christ Name Amen

Apstl Dr Ngozika Gladys Johnson-Ogbuneke.
Sanctuary Christian Ministries, SCM.

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